21 November 2010

My favorite alias

Aliasses are most useful tiny little means of making life easy on Linux.
One of my favorites is 'dba'

alias dba='sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @/home/oracle/scripts/login.sql'

with the login.sql:


This makes login most simple by typing dba and it looks like:

oracle@server01:~> dba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Nov 21 12:04:22 2010

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP, Data Mining,
Oracle Database Vault and Real Application Testing options


What is your favorite alias?

11 November 2010

Application Deployment targets showing metric collection errors

On Grid Control, running on Weblogic 10.3.2 I had some errors on


'Application Deployment' targets, showing metric collection errors on the Grid Control.

For database targets, this is easy to solve by entering the right dbsnmp password :
Targets - Configure 

Now the errors on 'Application Deployment' targets are also easy. Just go to Targets , select the target and click configure. Now there are no configurable properties, no passwords or such, but just click OK button.

After a few seconds (almost instantly) the target is shown 'Up' in Grid Control.

How easy can it be?

10 November 2010

Oracle 9R2

I thought I would NEVER install Oracle 9R2 again. But our sysadmin wanted to get rid of this old SLES 9 machine, so we reinstalled on SLES10.
Never say never again!

08 November 2010

Moving datafiles – almost online

In this post I will show a method to move datafiles with minimal downtime. A testcase moves an 8Gb datafile with 5 seconds downtime.

If you need to move a datafile in Oracle, but the database or even tablespace cannot be taken offline, you have a hard job.
I came accros the following postand decided to make a nice script around it. The script will put the tablespace in backup mode, copy it to the new location, end the backup mode. After that,
take the datafile offline, rename it in the database, recover it and put it online.
Here is my script (move_online.sql):

-- Script to move a datafile (almost) online.
-- Do not use easily, there is a small downtime
-- You can minimize downtime by following these steps:
-- 1) alter tablespace <TS name> begin backup;
-- 2) HOST cp <old name> <new name>;
-- 3) alter tablespace <TS name> end backup;
-- 4) alter database datafile <old name> offline;
-- 5) alter database rename file <old name> to <new name>;
-- 6) recover datafile <new name>;
-- 7) alter database datafile <new name> online;


-- Entry Section
set heading off
set feedback off
set verify off
define TSNAME = &TablespaceName

prompt Existing files, pick a low-active file if possible
-- Display filestatistics, pick a low-active file if possible
col file_name format a40
col tablespace_name format a12 heading Tablespace
set heading on set lines 120 set pages 999 select
from v$filestat s,
     dba_data_files f
where f.tablespace_name='&&TSNAME'
 and f.file_id=s.file#

set heading off

prompt Enter the old file without quotes:
define OLDFILE = &Old_Filename
prompt Enter the new file without quotes:
define NEWFILE = &New_Filename

-- Processing
prompt Set backup status...
alter tablespace &&TSNAME begin backup;

prompt Copying file...

prompt End backup status...
alter tablespace &&TSNAME end backup;

prompt Set file offline...
alter database datafile '&&OLDFILE' offline;

prompt Rename file in database...
alter database rename file '&&OLDFILE' to '&&NEWFILE';

prompt Recover datafile...
recover datafile '&&NEWFILE';

prompt Set file online...
alter database datafile '&&NEWFILE' online;

-- Cleanup
prompt Rename old file...
host mv &&OLDFILE &&OLDFILE._`date +"%Y%m%d_%T"`.old

-- Display Status
prompt Datafiles with wrong status:
set feedback on
select name, b.status from v$backup b, v$datafile f
where f.file#=b.file# and b.status !='NOT ACTIVE'

prompt All actions are logged in alert logging.

prompt Ready!

There will be short period of unavailability of the datafile.

The output looks as follows on my test database (Suse Linux), I marked my input

SQL> @move_online.sql
Enter value for tablespacename: USERS

Existing files, pick a low-active file if possible

FILE_NAME                          Tablespace    PHYRDS PHYWRTS
---------------------------------- ------------ ------- -------
/u04/oradata/DBATST01/users01.dbf  USERS            446     413
/u04/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf  USERS              6       2

Enter the old file without quotes:
Enter value for old_filename: /u04/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf

Enter the new file without quotes:
Enter value for new_filename: /u01/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf

Set backup status...
Copying file...
End backup status...
Set file offline...
Rename file in database...
Recover datafile...
Media recovery complete.
Set file online...
Rename old file...

Datafiles with wrong status:

no rows selected

All actions are logged in alert logging.



If we take a look at the alert logging, we can see the timing of this:

alter tablespace USERS begin backup
Mon Nov  8 10:43:28 2010
Completed: alter tablespace USERS begin backup
Mon Nov  8 10:43:28 2010
alter tablespace USERS end   backup
Completed: alter tablespace USERS end backup
Mon Nov  8 10:43:28 2010
alter database datafile
'/u04/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf' offline
Completed: alter database datafile
'/u04/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf' offline
Mon Nov  8 10:43:28 2010
alter database rename file '/u04/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf' to '/u01/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf'
Starting control autobackup
Control autobackup written to DISK device handle '/backup/mdoradb01/DBATST01c-4185353572-20101108-13'
Completed: alter database rename file '/u04/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf' to '/u01/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf'
Mon Nov  8 10:43:29 2010
ALTER DATABASE RECOVER  datafile '/u01/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf'
Media Recovery Start
Mon Nov  8 10:43:29 2010
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 41
Reading mem 0  Mem# 0: /u04/oradata/DBATST01/redo02.log
Mon Nov  8 10:43:29 2010
Media Recovery Complete (DBATST01)
Completed: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER  datafile '/u01/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf'
Mon Nov  8 10:43:32 2010
alter database datafile '/u01/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf' online
Starting control autobackup
Control autobackup written to DISK device handle '/backup/mdoradb01/DBATST01c-4185353572-20101108-14'
Completed: alter database datafile '/u01/oradata/DBATST01/users02.dbf' online

We can see, there is about four seconds offline status of the datafile. Now this is a 11Mb datafile. Another testcase moving a 8.2Gb file, took about 6 minutes to copy but we had online 5 seconds(!) offline status.
Note that the old file is renamed. You should remove it manually afterwards if all went well.

Conclusion of this method is, that we can move datafiles with a minimal offline duration provided that the database is running in archivelog. You have to be aware of the risks. If you have jobs running or queries against the datafile when it is offline, they probably fail.

Furthermore, if you have many updates and inserts on the tablespace while the copy is running, you might end up with a lot of redo logging.

Using a file that is not much used (as can be seen from the filestats), and moving the file outside office hours might reduce these risks.