How long did they take, did they run parallel ?
The SYSMAN.MGMT$JOB_EXECUTION_HISTORY contains all info needed, but it may be hard to interpret an draw your conclusions.
If you like to see when job overlap (and possible a struggle for CPU or I/O), you will need a graph.
With the following query you will get a (text-based, very eighties) graph from SQL.
Hope it helps in your environment.
set lines 999 trimspool on pages 999
col job_name format a25
col status format a11
col mins format 9999
col graph format a80
SELECT distinct job_name,
to_char(CAST((FROM_TZ(CAST(START_TIME AS TIMESTAMP),'+00:00') AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Brussels') AS DATE),'YYYY.MM.DD-HH24:MI:SS') "Start time",
to_char(CAST((FROM_TZ(CAST( END_TIME AS TIMESTAMP),'+00:00') AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Brussels') AS DATE),'YYYY.MM.DD-HH24:MI:SS') "End time",
round((end_time - start_time) * 24 * 60 ) "Mins",
rpad('-',round(80*(start_time - (sysdate -1))),'-') ||
rpad('X',round(80*(end_time - start_time )),'X') ||
-(round(80*( end_time-start_time)))
,'-') "graph"
where start_time > sysdate - 1
and status not in ('Waiting','Scheduled')
and (end_time - start_time) * 24 * 60 > 10
order by 2 ;
It shows jobs running longer than 10 minutes only. The graph will be exactly 80 char width, you may change that to your liking.
Due to the rounding, it may be that there seems no overlap, but it can be overlapping a few minutes. Bear this in mind.
Sample Output:
JOB_NAME Start time End time STATUS Mins graph
------------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ----------- ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BACKUP_DATABASE01 2017.06.21-14:40:03 2017.06.21-14:55:09 Succeeded 15 ---------XX---------------------------------------------------------------------
CLEANUP_JOB_DAILY 2017.06.21-19:00:05 2017.06.21-19:20:54 Succeeded 21 -----------------------XX-------------------------------------------------------
DEMO_BATCH_PROCES 2017.06.21-20:00:05 2017.06.22-00:02:13 Succeeded 242 ---------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXX---------------------------------------
BACKUP_DATABASE02_INCR 2017.06.21-22:00:05 2017.06.22-01:02:19 Succeeded 182 ---------------------------------XXXXXXXXXXX------------------------------------
JUST_ANOTHER_BACKUP 2017.06.21-23:00:02 2017.06.22-05:10:00 Succeeded 370 -------------------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX---------------------
SMALL_REPORT_DAILY 2017.06.22-01:30:02 2017.06.22-01:49:44 Succeeded 20 ---------------------------------------------XX---------------------------------
RUN_REPORT_JOB 2017.06.22-02:00:05 2017.06.22-03:10:25 Succeeded 70 -----------------------------------------------XXXXX----------------------------
CREATE_MONTHLY_OVERVIEW 2017.06.22-04:00:01 2017.06.22-04:13:07 Succeeded 13 -----------------------------------------------------XX-------------------------